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Alternative in sitting and Side-Lying

  • De Dieken 1 Helhuizerweg Holten, OV, 7451 KE Netherlands (kaart)

Algemene informatie

Datum: 21 april 2023 t/m 23 april 2023

Tijden: 9:30 - 18:30

Locatie: De Dieken in Holten

Kosten: € 698 full board.

Voor wie: Minimaal Level 2

Door wie: Martin Heigl

Naar het inschrijfformulier


am teaching Betty Fullers original side-lying and alternative since 2002 with great joy in it´s pure version. Over the years the class has been nourished by some additional helpful explorations anatomical, Mentastics and deepening hookup exercises.

The side-lying repertoire is for clients, who cannot be prone (on their belly) or even have difficulties on their back (elder people, pregnants, or people in crisis, who need this save embrional positioning).

The side-lying can deepen the understanding of the inner wave movement, or help to loosen up a tablework repertoire, that has become rigid over the years.

The alternative part gives you enough repertoire and enables you, to work effectful with clients in chairs (if no table is available or the person is in a wheelchair), in order to transport the light and free Trager feeling.

This training is subject to the following prices subject to changes in locations and costs and a min. of 6 participants for 2023.

Voor deze training gelden de volgende prijzen onder voorbehoud van wijzigingen in locaties kosten en minimaal 6 deelnemers voor 2023.

Training Cost: € 698,00 full board  and shared bedrooms.

Martin Heigl, Germany, Trager Instructor

Born 1959 and grown up in Munich/ Bavaria, I spent my schooling time there, until studies of anthropology and indology brought me to yoga and india. I strongly realized, that I have to do something with my hands and learned physical therapy in the medical field of massage in Munich. In this school in 1988, Siegrit Salkowitz " touched" me in a demo for the massage students and the Trager wave really reached me- and ever since never stopped.

I took the first Level 1 in Germany and started to assist all the trainings possible. Therefore I had the chance over the early years to get to know, all the first lineage of instructors, including Betty Fuller and Milton. Becoming practitioner 91, co-founding the German association, tutor in 95 and instructor for all levels and anatomy in 2000, allowed me to grow close together with the international and national community. Since 2015 I live in Erlangen and work together with my partner Ulrike in our med. practice and teach trainings, 

That way, I have the joyful opportunity, to pass on to students and clients, what my teachers handed over to me and what I developed further from their gifts.

10 februari

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