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Basic Reflex Response part 2

  • Meneer de Wit 202 Baarsjesweg Amsterdam, NH, 1057 HS Netherlands (kaart)

Algemene informatie

Datum: 1 december 2023 t/m 3 december 2023

Tijden: 9.30 tot 18.00 uur

Locatie: Baarsjesweg 202 , Amsterdam

Kosten: € 475,00, incl studiemateriaal indien van toepassing, koffie, thee en snacks, en excl. lunch, diner en overnachting.

Voor wie: Trager Practitioners

Door wie: Katriona Shawki

Naar het inschrijfformulier


The 3 day Basic Reflex Response - Part 2 is again deepening and continuation of our Trager Approach. The class  introduces participants to the principles and guidelines of the direct, precise touch and concise language of RR in such a way that RR can immediately be incorporated, with confidence, into regular Trager sessions.

About Katriona:
She originally from Scotland, has lived and worked (as a physiotherapist with an intergrated, holistic approach )  in Cairo , Egypt, since 1975.  She presently works in her multidisciplinary Studio where she enjoys a wide variety of clients with a particular interest in pregnancy and senior members of the community. She met the Trager Approach in 1999 through an American Trager Practitioner living in Egypt. This first encounter introduced her to the use and effectiveness of Reflex Response (RR). Her curiosity about this aspect of the Trager Approach led Katriona to become a Trager Practitioner, and as she delved deeper with incorporating RR in her work she became a tutor and ultimately a Teacher of Reflex Response in 2013.

Katriona’s fascination for RR came from the often dramatic and instant results elicited by the inclusion of something so simple during a Trager session.  The RR touch connects with our nervous systems acting as a highway to the unconscious mind. Its effectiveness can often be felt immediately creating a new, exciting and positive ‘felt’ sensation in the client’s system.
It appears that the body’s own intelligence knows what to do when given the invitation through an open, undemanding space by incorporating such a specific, direct yet gentle touch. It is in this space that the connection to the client’s unconscious mind can be accessed and trusted, allowing the response to meet the needs of the client’s whole system. This may manifest in “letting go “ resulting in a new systemic organization  (as in stress-related holding patterns for example ) or “stimulation and activation” where there is weakness or even paralysis.

The RR Teachers recommend around 6 months integration time between the two classes Part 1 and Part 2, unless the Part 1 is a retake class. People who took the RR class prior 2018 can join RR Part 2 but, unless they have been using it in their sessions, Katriona would also recommend refreshing as a retake in the Part 1.

Repeaters information via opleidingen@trager.nl

Invitation to RR (pdf)

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